What is Java Advance?
Advanced Java is everything that goes beyond Core Java – most importantly the APIs defined in Java Enterprise Edition, includes Servlet programming, Web Services, the Persistence API, etc. It is a Web & Enterprise application development platform which basically follows client & server architecture.
Why Is Java Important?
Java is one of the most popular programming languages used to create Web applications and platforms. It was designed for flexibility, allowing developers to write code that would run on any machine, regardless of architecture or platform. According to the Java home page, more than 1 billion computers and 3 billion mobile phones worldwide run Java.
Java is used to build applications and platforms for a number of devices, including computers, laptops, gaming consoles, Blu-ray players, car navigation systems, medical monitoring devices, parking meters, lottery terminals and smartphones. It is also a key language for networking, particularly for data centers that store and transfer Web-based data.
Java is also used to create miniature, dynamic programs that run alongside or are embedded within Web pages. These programs are called applets and can be used to display maps, weather, games or other interactive widgets or tools on a Web page.
Based on a C and C++-based syntax, Java is object-oriented and class-based. Developers adopt and use Java because code can be run securely on nearly any other platform, regardless of the operating system or architecture of the device, as long as the device has a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installed. The JRE varies depending on the specific type of device, but essentially it runs a “virtual” machine, or environment, that translates the code into an application or program.
- J2EE and Web Development
- Java Platform
- J2EE Architecture Types
- Explore Java EE Containers
- Types of Servers in J2EE Application
- HTTP Protocols and API
- Request Processing in Web Application
- Web Application Structure
- Web Containers and Web Architecture Models
- Advance Networking
- Networking Basics
- Introduction of Socket
- Types of Socket
- Socket API
- TCP/IP client sockets
- TCP/IP Server Sockets
- Datagrams
- package Socket
- Server Socket
- InetAddress
- URL Connection
- RMI Architecture <
- Client Server Application using RMI
- JDBC Programming
- JDBC Architecture
- Types of JDBC Drivers
- Introduction to major JDBC Classes and Interface
- Creating simple JDBC Application
- Types of Statement (StatementInterface, PreparedStatement, CallableStatement)
- Exploring ResultSet Operations
- Batch Updates in JDBC
- Creating CRUD Application
- Using Rowsets Objects
- Managing Database Transaction
- Servlet,API and Overview
- Servlet Introduction
- Servlet Life Cycle
- Types of Servlet
- Servlet Configuration with Deployment Descriptor
- Working with ServletContext and Servlet Config Object
- Attributes in Servelt
- Response and Redirection using Request Dispacher and using sendRedirect Method
- Filter API
- Manipulating Responses using Filter API
- Session Tracking: using Cookies
- HTTPSession
- Hidden Form Fields and URL Rewriting
- Types of Servlet Event:Context Level and SessionLevel
- Java Server Pages
- Introduction to JSP
- Comparison with Servlet
- JSP Architecture
- JSP Life Cycle
- JSP Scripting Elements
- JSP Directives
- JSP Action
- JSP Implicit Objects
- JSP Expression Language
- JSP Standard Tag Libraries
- JSP Custom Tag
- JSP Session Management
- JSP Exception Handling
- JSP CRUD Application
- Hibernate
- Introduction to Hibernate
- Exploring Architecture of Hibernate
- O/R Mapping with Hibernate
- Hibernate Annotation
- Hibernate Query Language
- CRUD Operation using Hibernate API
- Java Web Frameworks: Spring MVC
- Spring Introduction
- Spring Architecture
- Spring MVC Module
- Life Cycle of Bean Factory
- Explore: Constructor Injection
- Dependency Injection
- Inner Beans Aliases in Bean
- Bean Scopes
- Spring Annotations
- Spring AOP Module
- Spring DAO
- Database Transaction Management
- CRUD Operation using DAO and Spring API
- Java Server Faces
- Features of JSF
- JSP Architecture
- JSF request processing Life cycle
- JSF Elements
- JSF Expression Language
- JSF Standard Component
- JSF Facelets Tag ,
- JSF Convertor Tag
- JSF Validation Tag
- JSF Database Access
- JSF Prime Faces